2023.12 released
After some time not having update this blog, with the opportunity of a new release it is a good time to expose what is going on with the project. SWUpdate…
After some time not having update this blog, with the opportunity of a new release it is a good time to expose what is going on with the project. SWUpdate…
Software is steadily increasing its complexity and this raises the size of a whole Update. SWUpdate allows incremental updates based on filesystem, and single file updates are possible. A good…
The Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP)’s Software Update Working Group, has announced the immediate availability of the CIP SWUpdate Lua Round Robin Handler: https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-sw-updates/swupdate-handler-roundrobin It is meant to augment SWUpdate’s…
A new exciting SWUpdate was released ! A short changelog from previous release: security: first block decryption with pkcs11 general: merge install from file with OTA install extend -o option…
SWUpdate can be used to restore complete a device if it gets broken or it helps in the factory to install for the first time the software on a new…
Check talk at ELC 2020 how SWUpdate was used by Cruise for self driving cars in San Francisco (https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/ossna2020/56/No_Store_for_AV_Parts_ELC_NA_2020.pdf).
SWUpdate is chosen by CIP Project as Updater Agent – check on https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/cip_comparison_report for more information.